
Christyan Jean-Charles


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import statsmodels.api as sm
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols as sm_ols
from statsmodels.iolib.summary2 import summary_col # nicer tables
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

housing_df = pd.read_csv("./input_data2/housing_train.csv")

Part 1: EDA

Insert cells as needed below to write a short EDA/data section that summarizes the data for someone who has never opened it before.


Data Visualization:

sns.boxplot(x='v_Neighborhood', y='v_SalePrice', data=housing_df)

plt.xticks(rotation=75, ha='right')


sns.barplot(x='v_Neighborhood', y='v_SalePrice', data=housing_df)

plt.xticks(rotation=75, ha='right')


sns.boxplot(x='v_Overall_Qual', y='v_SalePrice', data=housing_df)


sns.boxplot(x='v_Overall_Cond', y='v_SalePrice', data=housing_df)


Part 2: Running Regressions

reg1 = sm_ols('v_SalePrice ~ v_Lot_Area', data = housing_df).fit()
reg2 = sm_ols('v_SalePrice ~ np.log(v_Lot_Area)', data = housing_df).fit()
reg3 = sm_ols('np.log(v_SalePrice) ~ v_Lot_Area', data = housing_df).fit()
reg4 = sm_ols('np.log(v_SalePrice) ~ np.log(v_Lot_Area)', data = housing_df).fit()
reg5 =  sm_ols('np.log(v_SalePrice) ~ v_Yr_Sold', data = housing_df).fit()
reg6 = sm_ols('np.log(v_SalePrice) ~ v_Yr_Sold==2007 + v_Yr_Sold==2008 ', data = housing_df).fit()
reg7 = sm_ols('np.log(v_SalePrice) ~ v_Garage_Cars + v_Gr_Liv_Area + v_Overall_Qual + v_Bldg_Type=="1Fam"+ v_Bldg_Type=="TwnhsE" + v_Neighborhood=="NoRidge"+ v_Neighborhood=="NridgHt"+ v_Neighborhood=="StoneBR"', data = housing_df).fit()
info_dict={'R-squared' : lambda x: f"{x.rsquared:.2f}",
           'Adj R-squared' : lambda x: f"{x.rsquared_adj:.2f}",
           'No. observations' : lambda x: f"{int(x.nobs):d}"}

print(summary_col(results=[reg1,reg2,reg3,reg4,reg5,reg6,reg7], # list the result obj here
                  stars = True, # stars are easy way to see if anything is statistically significant
                  model_names=['Reg 1','Reg 2',' Reg 3','Reg 4','Reg 5','Reg 6','Reg 7',], # these are bad names, lol. Usually, just use the y variable name
                                       Reg 1         Reg 2       Reg 3   Reg 4   Reg 5   Reg 6    Reg 7  
Intercept                           154789.55*** -327915.80*** 11.89*** 9.41*** 22.29   12.02*** 10.51***
                                    (2911.59)    (30221.35)    (0.01)   (0.15)  (22.94) (0.02)   (0.02)  
R-squared                           0.07         0.13          0.06     0.13    0.00    0.00     0.80    
R-squared Adj.                      0.07         0.13          0.06     0.13    -0.00   0.00     0.80    
np.log(v_Lot_Area)                               56028.17***            0.29***                          
                                                 (3315.14)              (0.02)                           
v_Bldg_Type == "1Fam"[T.True]                                                                    0.12*** 
v_Bldg_Type == "TwnhsE"[T.True]                                                                  0.11*** 
v_Garage_Cars                                                                                    0.11*** 
v_Gr_Liv_Area                                                                                    0.00*** 
v_Lot_Area                          2.65***                    0.00***                                   
                                    (0.23)                     (0.00)                                    
v_Neighborhood == "NoRidge"[T.True]                                                              0.06**  
v_Neighborhood == "NridgHt"[T.True]                                                              0.10*** 
v_Neighborhood == "StoneBR"[T.True]                                                              -0.00***
v_Overall_Qual                                                                                   0.14*** 
v_Yr_Sold                                                                       -0.01                    
v_Yr_Sold == 2007[T.True]                                                               0.03             
v_Yr_Sold == 2008[T.True]                                                               -0.01            
R-squared                           0.07         0.13          0.06     0.13    0.00    0.00     0.80    
Adj R-squared                       0.07         0.13          0.06     0.13    -0.00   0.00     0.80    
No. observations                    1941         1941          1941     1941    1941    1941     1940    
Standard errors in parentheses.
* p<.1, ** p<.05, ***p<.01

Part 3: Regression interpretation

2. Interpret beta in Model 2:

3. Interpret beta in Model 3:

4. Of models 1-4, which do you think best explains the data and why?

5. Interpret beta In Model 5:

6. Interpret alpha in Model 6:

7. Interpret beta in Model 6:

8. Why the R2 of Model 6 higher than the R2 of Model 5

9. What variables did you include in Model 7?

10. The R2 of Model 7

11. Could you use the specification of Model 6 in a predictive regression?

12. Could you use the specification of Model 5 in a predictive regression?